Discussing Inspiration versus Perspiration, at the weekend Mysterium 2020 con, Rand Miller talks about "the box" and working within it in a creative activity. This is not about coloring in the lines, it is about accomplishing something with the resources available and the unpredictability and surprises that show up in the development.
Doing the small thing really well can be the ramp to learning/discovery and a way of bootstrapping to anything more ambitious.
Hearing that, I was reminded of my tribulations with The Miser Project and what I should do to delineate the oMiser development inside all of the thinking-out-loud Issues.
The initial box is having a sufficient proof-of-concept. That means the SML/NJ mockup will provide a working oFrugal that allows exercise of the oMiser computational model. The mockup is practical for demonstration of how the theoretical limits of computation are achieved. The particular model also brings focus to how the stored-program concept affords representing numerous theoretical entities related to practical reality.
This does not mean that oFrugal is particularly expressive. It is essentially a calculator for deriving oMiser obs. oFrugal and oMiser lack support for expressing representations at higher levels. oFrugal/oMiser make that limitation almost self-evident.
But that's the box. Having captured a variety of ideas that don't have to be addressed, I will retreat to working inside (but pushing) the edges.